entrance gate
(the main entrance early in the morning... note the lit candles... there were dozens throughout the cemetery, even at 6:30 am)

an angel
(one of the first figures I found that morning... )

an angel
(again and again it was the expressions and details that caught my attention... few of them looked sad, but this one did... )

an angel
(This is one of my favorite shots of the day, and one I had to work hard for, standing precariously... )

angel with vines
(and then even more precariously and reaching high to get as even with her face as I could... this was very tall... )

field of crosses
(this field didn't fit in with the rest of the cemetery as well, but I found it just as the fog was lifting from it and as the dew was still apparent and the light was just touching the first of the groups of crosses... )

relief with flowers
(I like the way she is half in the stone and half out, and how the flowers nearby throw some color into a very uniform gray photo... )

bare shoulder
(one of two sculptures that were remarkably lifelike to me... I don't know why, but I love her bare arm and neck... )

lifelike woman
(the second one that I found almost alive... almost like she was just waiting on someone... )

lifelike woman again
(The higher the sun rose the more I noticed the leaves turning... by the time it was nine or ten I was using them constantly... )

woman with soft hair
(I find somethind odd about her face... nearly lifelike, but not quite right. Still, I liked the pose, and the one fallen leaf by her foot. )

soft hair again
(and I couldn't decide which angle I liked better... )

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