(Another favorite... especially for the colors... )
![another lifelike figure](TravelPhotos/cemetery/lifelike3.jpg)
(another one that I found almost alive... more for her hands and the
pose than her face... I took many closeups of her hands and that
flower, but none came out like I wanted... )
![same figure again](TravelPhotos/cemetery/lifelike4.jpg)
(The weathering on faces that look so real is sometimes disturbing...
on this sculpture especially... )
![yet another angel](TravelPhotos/cemetery/angel6.jpg)
(This one looks almost joyous... I'm almost tempted to take that branch
stub out with photoshop though... but aside from a bit of color
correction, I try not to do anything in photoshop. All of these shots
have just been colorbalanced and resized... no cropping or other
cheating... I'm an old fashioned photographer, I guess... )
![a modest woman](TravelPhotos/cemetery/modesty.jpg)
(this one absolutely refused to come into focus for my damn camera.
This was the best I got... it was almost like her modesty was working
against me... )
![mourning the dead](TravelPhotos/cemetery/mourning.jpg)
(This was a huge sculpture as part of a war memorial in the cemetery. I
think I took the photos of it too early, as I couldn't get the detail I
wanted... this was the best I did. I do like the color of the early
light though... )
![almost the last angel](TravelPhotos/cemetery/angel7.jpg)
(This one looks almost magical to me... another favorite... )
![mother being pulled](TravelPhotos/cemetery/mother.jpg)
(I don't know why, but I really love the way this woman is being pulled
at by the figures below... its almost an attack, and you want her to
escape and fly away... though I doubt that is what the artist had in
mind... )
![reflection in marble](TravelPhotos/cemetery/reflection1.jpg)
(this was maybe my single favorite scultpure... her pose was somehow
both sad and also erotic, her legs wide open wide and uncaring about
being modest or ladylike... too absorbed in thought... the fact that
she was pressed against smooth marble to give the reflection added to
the complexity... as does the extreme weathering on her face and
arms... )
![reflection in marble again](TravelPhotos/cemetery/reflection2.jpg)
(A better shot of her full pose... I could have taken photos of her all
day, but by this time my batteries were starting to run a little low
and I was afraid of running out then finding something else really
great... )
![the last angel](TravelPhotos/cemetery/angel8.jpg)
( I liked her very much too, but again, was fighting with the camera to
get a shot I liked in focus... )
![a mother close up](TravelPhotos/cemetery/mother2.jpg)
(I really loved this mother's face, but the baby was horrible.. I was
amazed the artist took so much care with her and then didnt get the
child right, especially when the two of them were cheek to cheek...
still, her closed eyes make me love life... )
![figure dancing](TravelPhotos/cemetery/dance.jpg)
(Much less detail than almost every other sculpture in the cemetery,
but I loved the pose and the light coming through the trees.. even if I
was fighting with the focus yet again... )
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